于美国加州大学戴维斯分校获得传播学博士,曾任教于韦伯斯特大学维也纳分校(奥地利)传播媒体系助理教授 (2019-2021),2021年9月入职上海交通大学媒体与传播学院。
关注科学传播(环境、健康等)、智能传播、及新媒介的信息行为,学术论文刊于《现代传播》、《新闻大学》、《新闻界》、Health Communication, Communication Research, Science Communication, Social Media & Society, Social Science Computer Review, Psychology & Health, Computers in Human Behavior等SSCI期刊。担任包括New Media & Society、Information, Communication & Society等期刊在内的20份国际学术期刊的论文评审。
详见https://docs.qq.com/doc/DQ3RRQldBc0NGQWZU 为个人简历
1. Ji, J., Hu, T., & Chen, M.* (2024). Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Persuasion Strategies on Social Endorsement and Public Response on Chinese Social Media. Health Communication, 1-12.
2. Chen, M.*, Taylor, L. D., & Bell, R. A. (2024). Persuasive narratives about osteoporosis: Effects of protagonist competence, narrator point of view, and subjective risk. Health Education & Behavior, 51(3), 446-456.
3. He, Z., & Chen, M.* (2024). How online social support enhances individual resilience in the public health crisis: Testing a dual-process serial mediation model. Computers in Human Behavior, 158, 108276. (指导学生发表)
4. Wang, X., Chen, M.*, & Jiang, W. (2024). Why Is One Social Media Platform Not Enough? A Typology of Platform-Swinging Behavior and Associated Affordance Preferences. Social Media+ Society, 10(2), 20563051241254373. (指导学生发表)
5. Liu, K., & Chen, M.* (2024). Disentangling the Effects of Cognitive, Affective, and Sociocultural Factors on Risk Information Avoidance: A Meta-Analysis. Communication Research, 00936502241246513. (指导学生发表)
6. Chen, M.*, Wang, J., & Yin, Z. (2024). Identifying the Active Ingredients of Climate Change Narratives: A Model of Temporal Perspective, Narrator Perspective, and Psychological Distance. Science Communication, 46(2), 123-150.
7. Chen, M.*, Dong, Y., & Wang, J. (2024). A meta-analysis examining the role of character-recipient similarity in narrative persuasion. Communication Research, 51(1), 56-82.
8. Dong, Y., Chen, M.*, & Wu, Y. (2023). Effects of social norms and message framing on reducing the stigma of gynecological diseases: A cognitive‐affective‐behavioral model. Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being, 15(4), 1221-1236. (指导学生发表)
9. Chen, M., Yu, W.*, & Liu, K. (2023). A meta-analysis of third-person perception related to distorted information: Synthesizing the effect, antecedents, and consequences. Information Processing & Management, 60(5), 103425.
10. Chen, M., Yu, W.*, & Cao, X. (2023). Experience pandemic fatigue? Social media use may play a role: testing a model of pandemic fatigue development from a social media perspective. Health Communication, 38(14), 3346-3356.
1. 主持国家社科基金一般课题 (22BXW051, 在研)
2. 主持贵州省哲社青年课题 (21GZGX24, 在研)
1. 统计学基础(博士课程)
2. 新闻传播学研究方法(专硕课程)
3. Quantitative Research Method (全英文研究生课程)