
Guest Lecture in SMC: Francis Steen

阅读:8779 发布于:2018-10-24 16:04

Lecture Topic:

Modulating meaning: the power of multimodal communication


Time: Friday, Oct.26, 1:30-2:30pm

Location: B203, School of Media and Communication



Francis Steen

Francis Steen2.jpg

Professor in Department of Communication Studies

University of California, Los Angeles

Prof. Francis Steen in Department of Communication Studies, University of California, Los Angeles has Ph.D. degree in University of California, Santa Barbara. He is Director of the digital NewsScape Library of International Television News and Co-Director of the Red Hen Lab, an international network of scholars studying multimodal communication. A central area of his research is how the news engages in a process of reasoning about the causes of events, and about how to intervene and take control of the future.